The interactive exhibition “For our happy childhood…” tells about the daily life of Leningrad children between 1917, and 1940. It has some divisions.
"For our happy childhood // Thank You, Native Country!" - these are the lines from a children's song from 1930s, after which our exposition was named. By visiting it, You will have an opportunity to become deeply involved with the period, to choose new revolutionary names, to become scouts or pioneers, play games designed to train your memory, develop learning capacities and send a paper dragon by an air mail. The youngest visitors will be able to play with retro toys in the sandbox ship. Adults will learn how the Soviet state raised and educated the new generations. The exposition “For our happy childhood…” is accompanied by popular music of that time. Our visitors have an opportunity to see children movies of the Stalin era.The exhibition has a same-named educational computer game on CD as a virtual continuation. The exposition “For our happy childhood…” and educational computer game were awarded the diplomas and prizes at All-Russia Museum Festivals and Competitions.