Office of S.M. Kirov is recreated in one of the halls of the museum. Real office of Sergey Kirov was located on the 3rd floor in the left wing of former Smolny Institute. On the walls of the office hang the paintings of Isaac I. Brodsky: "The shooting of the 26 Baku commissars", portraits of Marx, Lenin and Stalin.
In 1926-1934 Sergey Kirov was the first Secretary of the Leningrad City Committee and the Regional Committee of the CPSU (b). This study room was a kind of "headquarters of socialist construction" in the north-western region of the USSR, and S.M. Kirov was responsible for the development of industry and agriculture.
Many of the issues were resolved there. Construction of new facilities and reconstruction of old enterprises, unification of peasant land into collective farms, supply of food and textile, developing scientific research, literacy, construction of schools and universities. S.M. Kirov in his office accepted visits from scientists, directors of factories, intellectuals and workers. All of them noticed the breadth of interests Kirov, his ability to listen and acknowledge opinions of others.